Makes About 3/4 Cup of Mayo

  • 1 fresh, ORGANIC egg yolk from a pastured hen
  • Pinch of sea salt
  • 3/4 cup olive oil, milder-flavored oil (use light version)
  • 3 tsp organic lemon juice
  • 1/4 tsp organic Dijon mustard


To begin making the emulsion, whisk or process (in a blender or food processor) the salt and about a tablespoon of the light olive oil into the egg yolk. When the emulsion begins to stiffen, add all of the remaining ingredients except the remaining oil. Then begin adding oil, at first a drop at a time VERY SLOWLY, then a teaspoon at a time, whisking or processing constantly, in order to thin the stiff emulsion to a creamy consistency.

Homemade mayo is more luscious than store-bought versions that contain stabilizers, but it will also tend to separate, or “break,” in the refrigerator. If necessary, re-emulsify the mayo by stirring in a few droplets of water until it’s nice and creamy again.

Homemade Mayonnaise